The Cotton Times

Hello! First of all, thanks for visiting my blog 🙂

A few days ago I was doing research for the umpteenth new book I decided to write and came across some old advertisement in the New York Times Times Machine and found the artwork a great reference to the fashion of those times, upon further research, I stumbled upon “The Lady’s Home Journal” from 1890. This periodical was irrelevant to my research but found myself a few hours later still scrolling through it and reading articles, admiring the artwork of advertisement and garments that were drawn into the book.

Quickly after, I decided that I should take screenshots of these garments and share them with the world so everyone can see these beautiful artworks and use them as reference for their own projects. I contacted the websites that hosted these historical periodicals, to clarify the license for these works (cause why would licenses be written in plain human?) and was excited to hear I could actually share screenshots of these works. I am still waiting on some websites/sources for license questions before I can post more but so far I have gathered a nice little collection of 70+- artworks from between 1830 and 1890 for the world to see 🙂

Oh no I’ve gone two paragraphs without even properly introducing myself! I’m Celeste, I live in Germany and have only picked up sewing about one to two months ago but have grown to really love it. Despite having no experience and failing in (worryingly) high numbers, I continue to have the mood and willpower to pick up my needle and thread and go at it to get better!

I have always had a weird fondness of nice costumes and historical garments and liked to watch series or movies that played in bygone times. But it wasn’t until I found Bernadette Banner’s Youtube channel that I really fell in love with the whole concept. Soon after I found Cathy Hay, Rachel Maksy, and Meme Mom Karolina Å»ebrowska. Just watching their channel really motivates me to keep venturing into the world that is historical garments.

I, unfortunately, don’t yet feel “proud” enough of my work to share any progress and due to chronic pain I am often incapable of actually doing the art of sewing. But when I feel like I could show off some work I would be delighted!

Have a happy Sunday everyone! 🙂

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